Church At The Bar
Church at the bar is a place where we meet people where they are! We talk about EVERYTHING in the name of Jesus, because Jesus is for EVERYONE...EVERYWHERE!! Ever went to your favorite bar and poured your heart out to the stranger next to you? ever went to your local church and didn't feel comfortable doing the same thing? Ever wished they would keep it a little more real at church? This show is for you!
16 episodes
🎄 Celebrate Jesus' Birthday with Church at the Bar! | A Special Christmas Concert by Minister Jamie Knight 🎶Join us for a heartwarming and intimate celebration of the true reason for the season—Jesus' birth! In this special episode of C...
Season 2
Episode 6

Tested But Trusting... (Part1)
In Part 1 of this this powerful 2 part episode of Church at the Bar, we sit down with Elder Pamela Ames Durant for an exclusive interview that will inspire and challenge your faith. Elder Durant opens up about her deeply personal journey ...
Season 2
Episode 5

Saving it for marriage but dissatisfied: when the dream doesn't match the reality
This week on Church at the Bar: Meeting People Where They Are, we’re exploring a topic that many couples face but few openly discuss: “Saving It for Marriage but Being Dissatisfied When the Dream Doesn’t Match the Reality.”
Season 2
Episode 4

In this special Thanksgiving episode of Church at the Bar, we gather in the spirit of gratitude to reflect on the blessings in our lives. Joined by fashion designer Charles Kellam and model Tiffany Nguyen, we delve into personal storie...
Season 2
Episode 3

Wisdom From The Elders
In this unforgettably endearing collaboration, Church at the Bar proudly joins forces with An Intimate Moment with Charles Kellam to bring you Season 2, Episode 2, titled "Wisdom from the Elders." This episode stands as a powerful tribute to th...
Season 2
Episode 2

Marriage Or Naw?
In the season 2 premiere of Church @ The Bar, we dive deep into a pressing question: Why aren’t young Black couples getting married? In a world where love, commitment, and community are central to many, marriage rates among young Black...
Season 2
Episode 1

Kingdom Marriage Vs Twin Flame? What's This All About?
If your are anywhere online you have most likely heard the term, "Kingdom marriage" or "Twin Flame." These are two very different titles used to describe what is essentially the same thing: an experience with a once in a lifetime love! More tha...
Season 2
Episode 1

In Loving memory Of The Real Sug Knight
Church At The Bar will be going on vacation! Episodes will resume in late July!Happy Father's Day! On this father's day my family and I are still mourning the loss of our beloved father, James Robert "Sugarman" Knight, who danced into...
Season 1
Episode 9

Who Comes First part 2
Marriages in 2022 are ending left and right. One big issue in a marriage is "who comes first?" Often parents and siblings have an issue stepping aside and giving the new spouse the respect that the bible says they deserve because, "they were ar...
Season 1
Episode 8

Who Comes First?
Marriages in 2022 are ending left and right. One big issue in a marriage is "who comes first?" Often parents and siblings have an issue stepping aside and giving the new spouse the respect that the bible says they deserve because, "they were ar...
Season 1
Episode 7

Submission in 2022... Why Is It Hard? Part 2
Part 2 of our discussion about submission in 2022. The bible tells Christian couples to submit to one another (Ephesians 5:21). Often in church when we talk about submission, there is a concentration on women submitting. With this in mind we po...
Season 1
Episode 6

Submission in 2022...Why Is It Hard?
The bible tells Christian couples to submit to one another (Ephesians 5:21). Often in church when we talk about submission, there is a concentration on women submitting. With this in mind we posed the question : Why is submission hard in 2022? ...
Season 1
Episode 5

Trust Issues: What would Jesus say?
Trust issues are real! The bible tells us to trust God and not our own understanding (Proverbs 5:6), If it were that easy, however, no one would have trouble trusting. We all have what we believe to be valid reasons not to be free with our trus...
Season 1
Episode 4

Honer Thy Mother!!!
Happy Mother's Day!!!!! The bible tells us to honor our mother and father that our days shall be long upon the land the the Lord God gives us (Exodus 20:12). Although it tells us to honor both mother and father, today we will honor all...
Season 1
Episode 3