Church At The Bar
Church at the bar is a place where we meet people where they are! We talk about EVERYTHING in the name of Jesus, because Jesus is for EVERYONE...EVERYWHERE!! Ever went to your favorite bar and poured your heart out to the stranger next to you? ever went to your local church and didn't feel comfortable doing the same thing? Ever wished they would keep it a little more real at church? This show is for you!
Church At The Bar
Kingdom Marriage Vs Twin Flame? What's This All About?
If your are anywhere online you have most likely heard the term, "Kingdom marriage" or "Twin Flame." These are two very different titles used to describe what is essentially the same thing: an experience with a once in a lifetime love! More than what is described in books and movies, this type of experience is extremely sweet but also extremely bitter at times. If you experience it too early in life, it can be very difficult because absolutely NOTHING else compares!!! This journey is often very difficult to get advice and support about because it is often not a journey that many have traveled. In this episode minister Jamie Knight interviews L. Sweet who shares his experience on this journey. Not considering himself a christian, L. Sweet and minister Jamie do their best to explain this unforgettable spiritual love journey!