Church At The Bar
Church at the bar is a place where we meet people where they are! We talk about EVERYTHING in the name of Jesus, because Jesus is for EVERYONE...EVERYWHERE!! Ever went to your favorite bar and poured your heart out to the stranger next to you? ever went to your local church and didn't feel comfortable doing the same thing? Ever wished they would keep it a little more real at church? This show is for you!
Church At The Bar
Celibacy in 2022...Is it really possible?
The Bible teaches us to flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18-20). In a time where there is so much sexual freedom, one has to wonder: is it really realistic to believe that someone (even a Christian "someone" ) could actually abstain from sex until marriage in 2022? In the 40s, 50s, 60s, perhaps even 70s, this would not be a question! Today, however, less and less people think it is realistic to have a relationship without sex... so how can one be a virgin or practice celibacy present day? Take a listen and find out.