Church At The Bar
Church at the bar is a place where we meet people where they are! We talk about EVERYTHING in the name of Jesus, because Jesus is for EVERYONE...EVERYWHERE!! Ever went to your favorite bar and poured your heart out to the stranger next to you? ever went to your local church and didn't feel comfortable doing the same thing? Ever wished they would keep it a little more real at church? This show is for you!
Church At The Bar
Trust Issues: What would Jesus say?
Trust issues are real! The bible tells us to trust God and not our own understanding (Proverbs 5:6), If it were that easy, however, no one would have trouble trusting. We all have what we believe to be valid reasons not to be free with our trust, but living a life that filled with fear only prevents us from really living! Since we know based on the bible that the Lord Jesus Christ came so that we could live life more abundantly (John 10:10), we wanted to pose the question :What would Jesus say about our trust issues?